inroducing Sinelabs One:

innovative water treatment for the Health-Conscious Home.

Pure, Chemical-Free Water for Your Entire Home:

Your health is your most important asset, and no one can take care of you like you do!

The Sinelabs One provides a comprehensive, whole-house solution that ensures every drop of water in your home is pure, safe, and free from harmful chemicals.

Key Benefits:

Anti-Bacterial Protection

Our system delivers a bacterial-bursting signal that renders harmful microbes inert, ensuring that your drinking water and bathing water are healthier.

Energy Efficiency

Boost your water heater’s efficiency by up to 20%, saving you money on energy bills and promoting a greener lifestyle.

Chemical-Free Pool Treatment

Reduce the need for harsh chemical treatments in your pool by approximately 50%, ensuring a safer swimming environment for you and your family.

Holistic Health Benefits:

  • Enjoy healthier, better-tasting water without worrying about side-effects from other chemical water treatments.

  • Extend your care for the environment with a sustainable, water treatment system that protects you health and home.

Sinelabs one Unique Features:

Whole-House Solution

Unlike filtering water at the tap, our technology treats all the water in your home, providing comprehensive protection and improved water quality.

Flocculation Technology

Our system causes totally dissolved minerals to group together (flocculate), making them easy to filter out without the use of harmful chemicals.

Scale and Biofilm Removal

Extend the lifespan of your plumbing and water heater appliances by removing scale and biofilm from inside your pipes.

Join the Movement

Get the Sinelabs One home unit and enjoy the effects of anti-bacterial, healthier water.