What Solutions Does Sinelabs Offer?

We offer a range of sizes for our water systems to fit any need from small home units, to large industrial ones.

They tackle everything from lime and mineral scale and corrosion to preventing bacteria and algae, all without using chemicals. Plus, they're tough, unobtrusive , and designed to last.

How Easy is it to Install a Sinelabs Unit?

Installing our residential units is as simple as snapping together building blocks. You just fit the unit around your pipe and plug it into a power source. We have different sizes to fit any pipe, so it's always a perfect fit.

Industrial and commercial installations are more technical and will be performed by an authorized technician.

What Are the Benefits of Using Sinelabs Technology?

Using our technology is like having a personal water maintenance team for the cost of $1 per year. It cuts down on energy, chemical, water, and maintenance costs, and extends the life of your equipment and pipes. Plus, it achieves all this without using harsh chemicals.

Can Sinelabs Technology Be Used in Any Plumbing System?

Yes! Our technology works with any type of plumbing material, ensuring your entire system is protected and running smoothly.

FAQ (Fascinating, Awesome Queries)

What Makes Sinelabs Technology Different from Other Water Conditioning Technologies?

Sinelabs Technology stands out because it uses a unique set of electronic signals to continuously treat the water throughout your entire plumbing system.

This signal travels through any type of plumbing material, preventing scale and biofilm from building up and gradually removing existing deposits.

How Does the Signal Work?

Our technology sends a imperceptible, yet effective electronic signal through existing water pipes. This signal causes molecules from dissolved minerals in the water to start to group together so they can be filtered. Fun fact, that grouping together of the dissolved minerals is called flocculation.

This crystallization happens more when the water is heated or cooled. So getting those minerals crystalized and filtered before they build up on heating and cooling equipment is critical if you want your boilers and HVAC units to have long, energy-efficient, money saving lifespans.

What Role Does the Pipe Play?

Sinelabs Water Treatment Systems fits around your existing plumbing system no matter what it’s made of (metal or PVC), and penetrates to the water causing the dissolved minerals to flocculate so they can be filtered.

How Does the Signal Prevent Scale and Biofilm?

The sinelabs electronic signal causes the minerals in the water to form tiny crystals that float around instead of sticking to surfaces.

How Efficient is Sinelabs Technology Compared to Other Technologies?

Our technology is many times more efficient and effective at keeping your water system clean and free of build-ups than traditional water treatment. Residential units run on approximately $1 of electricity per year in most situations.

Get YOUR Questions answered by our team

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